

How much is hosting a website in uganda?

The cost of hosting a website in Uganda ranges from as low as 120,000 ugx to 300,000 ugx for both domain name and hosting space.

These prices are for relatively smaller websites without a lot of traffic, images and videos.

Prices may vary depending on the company you choose and some other factors for example .com,.org, .net domains are slightly cheaper compared to .ug, .co.ug which costs 100,000 – 150,000 ugx domain alone without hosting.

Web hosting process

1. You need a domain name first. 

To host a website you need a domain for example yourbusiness.com where ” yourbusiness ” is the business or organisation name

Domain Name Prices

2. You need  Hosting space. 

Web hosting space commonly referred to as server space is where you upload website files. Without hosting space you cannot access the website.  

Web Hosting Service Prices

3. You need an SSL certificate. 

Though not mandatory SSL certificate is important for today’s online browsing.  SSL encrypts data during communication. More importantly for websites that have online payments.

Here at webhosting256, we give free SSL starting with Gold hosting package

SSL certificate Prices

So, in a nutshell, web hosting prices in Uganda are favorable especially for people just getting a taste of online presence. At webhosting256 .com domain extension is 50,000 renews at 50,000 ugx and the cheapest web hosting package is 70,000 and renews at 70,000 ugx totaling to 120,000 first time and 120,000 ugx on renewal.

Vps and dedicated server prices however might cost slightly higher than shared hosting. For more information about web hosting contact us and we will be ready to help you all the way.